Oct 09

Episode 4: Fall In Love With Wine

Sorry for my absence, gang! I have been suffering through flu seasion, and if there is one time I can tell you that you should absolutely NOT drink fine wines, it is when you can not smell. Because 75% of the experience is lost.

This week I focused on wines that keep you warm as the temps drop this fall… and go great with fall time food, such as homemade chicken noodle soup, chili, stews and more.

  1. Divine Light Verhelho by: Vinaceous from South Austrailia $16.99
  2. Barbera D’Asti From Italy $14.99
  3. Terrapura Carmener Chile, Central Valley – $18.99

Oct 09

Week 2 Musings on “Wine & Philosophy”

Wine & PhilosophyAs usual my work & life schedule has eaten a large chunk out of my reading time.

But what I was able to chip away at makes me love this book even more. πŸ™‚

In Chapter 2 we leave ancient Greece and Rome, for a scene and a history which is much more familiar.

“On and Off the Wagon & the American Character” by Jonathan Alsop.

This chapter outlines America’s beginnings in wine, and its hypocritical/puritanical stance toward booze in the times leading up to, during, and after the most ridiculous period in American history: Prohibition. It also talks about how we are still slowly bouncing back from that. The chapter discusses the effect that movies have had onΒ  the wine industry in America, good, bad, and ugly. And how NASCAR may be responsible for the rise of the Smoky Mountain wine maker.

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Sep 09

Episode 3: Get Screwed!

For Episode 3 of Wine Soaked, Sommelier Sara Kay brings you Chicago’s only punk rock wine show! Sara Kay punks out with a full meal’s worth of wine sealed entirely with new, non-traditional enclosures–including “Stelvin” screw caps & even pop tops.
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Sep 09

Book Suggestion! “Wine & Philosophy” by Fritz Allhoff

Wine & PhilosophyI received this book from my life long drinking partner πŸ˜‰ on Valentines day of this year. But due to studying for levels 1 & 2 of ISG, working over 40 hrs per-week, and trying to break in to the Chicago stand up scene I had very little opportunity to crack the cover till this past week but I am HOOKED!!!

I am only 22 pages in right now and I already have thousands of little side notes and pictures.

I love it most because it blends all of the tons of Greek and Roman history, philosophy, and theater facts that I had to digest in my years of theatrical training (FYI if you ever want to know more about that go to sarakaysnider.com) with all the fun facts and experiences I am acquiring along my wine soaked road.

I highly recommend picking up a copy and reading along with me!

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Sep 09

Episode 2: The Dinner Party

Sara Kay looks at three wines that she’s selected for a dinner party, explains how they pair with her food, and shows how to open three types of wine bottles.

In this episode:

  • Emri Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc ($15.99)
  • Dry Creek 2008 Chenin Blanc ($21.99)
  • Van Duzer Vintner’s Cuvee 2007 Pinot Noir ($23.99)

Also, check back here later on in the week. Sara Kay will be posting her wine list for the upcoming show, so that you can buy in advance and taste along with her!

Sep 09

Episode 1: Blanc de blanc vs. Blanc de Noir

Sommelier Sara Kay gets a bubbly start on her new Winesoaked wine video blog series by examining two bubblies: Pierre Delize blanc de blanc and Gruet Brut blanc de noir. Along the way you’ll learn how to open champagne (or any other bubbly), the purpose of a champagne flute, and, if you’re lucky, how to enjoy bubbly as much as Sara Kay does.

Jul 09

Donate Here To Help Send Sara Kay To Wine School

As you know, Sara Kay recently completed her Level 2 Sommelier Certification! Now we’re raising funds to help send her on to the next level of wine training. Please donate whatever you can to help pay for the costs of diploma-level sommelier certification!